Lars Frandsen was a student of the late Leif Christensen, who was a pioneer in the rediscovery of the nineteenth century guitar literature and a strong advocate of its historical performance practice.
As a college professor, Lars has overseen the rebuilding of two college programs. The classical guitar program at Brooklyn College has grown to full capacity during his tenure there, and the theory and ear training program at the Manhattan Campus of Nyack College was revamped completely under his direction. Lars wrote the curriculum for the theory program and its integration with ear training, based on Steven Laitz’ the Complete Musician.
A graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London, Yale University, and the Eastman School of Music, Frandsen holds a doctoral degree in performance and literature. He was the assistant to the renowned lute player Paul O’Dette while at Eastman, where he also studied in master classes and doctoral seminars with equally renowned forte-pianist Malcolm Bilson. His principal guitar teachers after Leif Christensen include John Mills (RAM), Benjamin Verdery (YSM), and Nicholas Goluses (ESM). In addition, Frandsen has performed several times in master classes conducted by John Williams, David Russell and Manuel Barruecco. Lars was the first guitarist to play and coach chamber music (during five consecutive concert seasons) at the Apple Hill Summer School, where he taught and performed with members of the London Symphony, New York Philharmonic, Chicago and Boston Symphony Orchestras.
Lars directs the classical guitar program at Brooklyn College at the City University of New York, and he also directs the theory and ear training program at the Manhattan Campus of Nyack College. He is an associate professor at Brooklyn College and a full professor at Nyack College.